Sunday, January 6, 2013

Check up and Family Date Night

Rylie's 2 month check-up went great.  She is growing well and looks healthy on all fronts.  She weighed 11lbs 14oz and was 23.25 inches tall.  That puts her in the 75th percentile for weight and the 75th-90th percentile for height.  That means she's taller than 75-90 out of 100 other 2 month old girls, and her weight is right on target for her height.

She also got her first band aides at her check up.
We won't talk about the reason for the band aides.  It's a sensitive subject (can you say S-H-O-T).
Last night, we had a little family date night.  We ate at a local Italian place called Lazzaris.  It was one of the few places that doesn't usually have a wait which makes it more conducive to getting in and out before our 2 month old gets bored with the adult dining experience. 
Not that she would ever make a scene...
This was a perfect opportunity for a family photo.  Because how often do we all get cleaned up for dinner? 
This morning, we were all ready to walk out the door to go to church, and as I picked up Rylie to put her in her car seat, she threw up all over herself and all over me.  Since we were both dripping with milk, and we were on our last clean outfits, we stayed home and did laundry instead.  Rylie fell asleep almost immediately after we took off her clothes. 
I didn't have the heart to wake her up just to get dressed, so I took pictures instead.  She still had her little bow in her hair. 

As she was sleeping, all propped up on Ryan's legs, I couldn't believe how big she looks.  She looks like a little toddler instead of a 2 month old. 
Maybe it's just the angle...
Or maybe it's because she's nearly 2 feet tall...
Either way, there's nothing sweeter.


  1. She looks like she has grown so much since we saw her! She does look like a toddler in last picture! Please put a brick on her head. She is soo precious. The family picture is great! Melissa,you look so skinny! Love,nonny

  2. She is soooo sweet! LOVE the pictures.

  3. Every time I look at this picture, it makes me a little sad because she is literally growing so much before our eyes. Oh, how I wish we lived close by! Love, nonny
