Since my last post, we have been to Seattle and back. We had a great trip overall. We didn't have as much time for sight-seeing as I had hoped, but we are very proud that Ryan was a part of such a big event for student engineers. Plus, it gave us just enough of a taste of the Pacific Northwest that we MUST go back to do some more exploring! Beautiful only begins to describe what we saw.
As you'll notice in the above picture, we had to pull out our long pants and jackets again. The weather was in the 60's for most of our trip. We hardly had any precipitation, just a few sprinkles, which I would say is pretty fortunate when visiting a place known for RAIN.
This trip marked Rylie's very first plane ride. This was our plane:
And no, I'm not even joking.
We sat this close to our pilots.
Rylie didn't bat an eye at the fact that we were soaring over the landscape in a little puddle-jumper they called a plane.
Instead, she took a nap..
I was armed with a paci and a bottle to help her little ears pop, but I don't think she really needed it. I guess it made me feel a little better thinking I was helping her out.
I'm not sure why this picture uploaded looking smashed when all the others look normal, but in any case, you can see that we all got to sit close together on our long flight from St. Louis to Seattle (on a normal-sized plane, I might add).
It was Rylie's idea to get everyone to squeeze in for this photo op.
Now, I bet you're wondering where the name for the title of this post came from because, so far I haven't made anyone laugh. Well, wait no longer. This is how we passed some of our time in Seattle while waiting on the guys to prepare for their competition.
Nothing will make you smile quicker than baby giggles...
Have a wonderful Monday!