ANOTHER photo shoot, Momma??
Yep, it's that time again. Another birthday!!
Well, if you insist...
How about a little wave?
And how 'bout this? They need to know I'm still practicing hard on my crawling skills.
And they should also know that my feet are near the top of the list of my favorite toys.
Well, I think that's all I've got, Momma. I'm fresh out of new material.
That's ok...How about a wave goodbye?
Now, I can do that!!
BYYYEEE!!! See ya next month!!!
So, what's happening this month?
She still loves to play, squeal, laugh, read, and babble.
She can entertain herself on the floor for a long time while sitting playing with toys.
She has started to scoot short distances on her bottom to get to her toys.
Breaking news!! She is getting more comfortable on her belly and even scoots around and plays while on her belly for more than 30 seconds. This is a big accomplishment for this belly-hating girl.
She even rolls over and sleeps on her belly sometimes during the night.
She can hold her sippy cup all by herself.
She has started eating some this week. Her favorite? Prunes. Of all things...
She just finished off a big bowl (meaning probably 1/8-1/4 cup) of oatmeal and prunes mixed together.
She also likes spinach and bananas.
She gives kisses and hugs.
She waves hello with both hands when she's excited to see you.
Her hair is still long and dark.
She still loves the dogs.
She is still chewing on everything and drooling a ton, but no teeth yet!
She has been going to bed around 8 this week.
She still wakes up 1-2 times per night.
She takes a long nap most afternoons.
She weighs 18lbs. 1oz.
She is 27.5 inches long.
That puts her in the 50th percentile for height and weight.
She wears size 3 diapers.
She is wearing her first pair of 12 month pjs right now. Double digits. How did that happen? They fit her perfectly.