Rylie turned the big eleven yesterday...months that is. But you may as well have told her she was turning 30. She wasn't feeling too great about it.
Momma, I don't want my picture taken right now.
Are you sure, sweetheart? It will only take a minute. Today is a big day! You're 11 months old now!
What did I say wrong?
Are you sad that you're already 11 months?
Okay, okay. We won't talk about it anymore.
How about standing up and talking to daddy?
Yay! It's my favorite!!
(Just for the record, I know her mattress needs to be moved down. She sleeps in her pack 'n' play in our room, so she only gets in her crib for picture taking...fully supervised.)
About two hours and one nap later, she was feeling a little better about the whole thing.
Momma, I can do without the sticker. Thanks.
Here's what I think about this 11 months thing...
You know, it's not that bad. It means your big 1 YEAR birthday party is only a month away...
Oh yeah! That means my very own cake?
Yes, sweetheart. Your very own cake...
Well, in that case, what's not to love about this whole 11-months thing?
So, what's going on at 11 months?
She is still loves to smile, giggle, and "talk." She's starting to get very serious at times. You can almost see the wheels turning in her head. When she's in "the zone," she won't crack a smile for anything...except her daddy.
She is doing some modified version of crawling to get where she wants to go. It's more of a cross between scooting and crawling, but it's very effective. She can follow me all over the house doing it.
She is now very independent in pulling up and cruising along the coffee table.
She's still a wiggle worm in her bed. If she's not sleepy enough when you lay her down, she'll be standing in there calling for you in 30 seconds flat.
She is getting better and better with finger foods. She's still not crazy about her vegetables, but likes fruits, bread, cheerios, beans, etc.
She loves water to drink and is very good at holding any sippy cup, handles or no handles.
She loves giving hugs and kisses, especially to all of her furry toys and even her books that have furry animals in them.
She still loves her Pooh bear.
She still only has two teeth.
Her sleep schedule hasn't changed much. Usually two naps during the day. To bed by 8pm, up by 6:30am, wakes once during the night.
She wears size 4 diapers.
She wears mostly size 12 month clothes. She's still squeezing into some of her 9 month summer stuff because it still feels like summer.
In other news, I'm turning the big 3-0 today.
Just kidding. It's not that bad. Part of me wants to be sad about it, but most of me knows that I have never been happier, and I know my 30's will be my best years yet...
Especially since I get to start this decade by hanging out with this little bundle of joy all day...