Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bradford Pear Suffocation

Well, it's least the Bradford Pear trees say so. They are in bloom full force here, and almost every yard in our subdivision of 1200 or so homes has at least one of the fluffy, mushroom-shaped trees in the front yard. It's a beautiful site to see, although it does sometimes make me think I'm trapped in the Mario Brothers original Nintendo remember those weird white trees, don't lie.

Now, it may be a site to see, but it makes me wonder how something so pretty can be so darn stinky. Haven't noticed their foul odor? Try going for a run through a neighborhood full of them. You start off unable to breathe because of the horrible smell, but due to the massive amount of pollen they release in the air, by the end of the run you'll be so stopped up that you can't smell anything...I guess that's Nature's way of balancing things out.


1 comment:

  1. How funny! Yes i do remember the trees! Love ya! Kim
