Our sweet girl is the big 1/2. 6 whole months old. This post is a day late, but she had her 6 month check up today, so I have her current stats for you today.
Another photo shoot, mom?
Well, if I must...
Momma! Are you seeing this?!?! No hands!! and no Bobby pillow to catch me!
Here's the one that made the cut for the picture frame:
Can she pose or what?
Then I realized, I've been doing this wrong all along. The sun from the window is behind her. No wonder I have so much trouble getting the shadows off her face. Duh.
A little repositioning and we were ready for round 2. Well, almost.
Me: Ahem. Sweetheart? I hate to interrupt your break, but we have a photo shoot to finish here.
Oh! oh...no worries, momma! I'm all set!
Whoa...wait...You're getting a little click happy there, aren't ya??
A girl can't work under this kind of pressure! I'm losing it!
Mom? How 'bout a hand here. Or a Boppy? Anything?
You're not gonna tell anyone about this are you?
Of course not, honey...
Hehe...We'll have 'em all fooled!
So, what is happening at 6 months?
She is still loving to smile, laugh, and squeal, especially with her daddy.
He doesn't stand a chance.
She can sit briefly unsupported, but eventually topples over backwards every time.
She can roll front-to-back and back-to-front. The fact that she only chooses to do so once every other week is another story.
She still loves to stand.
She still loves to "swim" in the big tub. And splash water all the way up the walls.
Her hair is still dark and growing long. It is wavy/curly on top and stick-straight in the back.
She is starting to love the dogs. She laughs when they come close to her. She likes to pet Copper when he lays next to her.
She went on her first walk in the stroller without the car seat attached and loved it.
She can sit up like a big girl in the cart at Walmart.
She can also sit in the high chairs at restaurants.
In addition to the foods she tried last time, she has tried squash, avocado, green beans, and baby oatmeal.
She hates them all.
How do I know this?
First, she makes a terribly icky face, then gags. Yes, she actually gags.
Poor girl. She must have inherited my aversion to any foods with a snotty texture (oatmeal, yogurt, etc). That's pretty much all she gets to eat right now. Different flavored snot.
Oh well, we will keep trying.
She is still drooling...
No, she doesn't have any teeth yet.
She weighs 16 lbs 8 oz. Babies typically double their weight by 6 months. She almost hit that one right on the nose! (Her birth weight was 8 lbs 2 oz).
She is 26.25 inches tall.
She wears size 2 diapers.
She wears size 6 month clothes and is starting to wear some 6-9 month and 9 month clothes.
She still goes to bed around 7:30 and wakes twice during the night.
She loves to sleep with her hands behind her head.
Don't you just want to kiss those little cheeks? Or pinch 'em? Then kiss 'em again?