Thursday, August 6, 2009

Jobs, overall update.

Sorry it's been a while since my last post! I do have a good excuse...we've been bumming internet from my parents. So while we've been coming over daily to use the Internet to check email, etc., I rarely spend enough time to actually post anything on the blog.

Now for an update:
1) As far as my job, I am still waiting on my Arkansas license to be able to start practicing as an NP. So for the past two weeks I've been helping my mom at her daycare...a far cry from what I thought I would be doing, but it has provided some income and kept me from being bored out of my mind! I think I will be starting work at the clinic on Monday as an RN to start orienting to the clinic and paperwork and to start getting a paycheck while I wait on my license.
2) Ryan is still searching for a job persistently but without much success. He has been a bit discouraged, so keep him in your prayers so he doesn't give up and go running back to Alabama ;)...not that there were any jobs there, but at least he has a few friends there to keep his spirits up!
And the grand finale...
3) Our house is under contract!! I hope I don't jinx it by talking about it, but as long as all goes as planned we are going to close on the 14th or 21st of August! I thought it would sit on the market for months, but we had an offer after just 3 weeks. God is good!

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