Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Quick House Update

We went to Jonesboro last Thursday. Since we had just been there the weekend prior, there's not a whole lot to update.

The brick is almost done.

The counter tops were in!!

Here's an up-close and personal look at the counter tops.

This is the breakfast nook, just off the kitchen. You can see they are starting to get some lighting fixtures up.

In other news, I went to sign up for my very first marathon on Saturday...you know, the one in December....it was SOLD OUT! I'm pretty bummed, but I'm on the hunt for another one to take it's place. Anyone know of a good fall marathon (within a relatively easy driving distance from Jonesboro)?

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update! It looks so beautiful!!! I know you all are so excited; we are soooo happy for you.I can't believe you all will be moving in two weeks. Love you,Mom
