Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ryan's 27th!

Here are a few pictures from Ryan's 27th birthday celebration:

The Birthday Boy:
Yes...this would be the dogs eating cake and ice cream...not my idea.

The following is the absolute best card possible from me to him...couldn't have fit us better. Front of the card: let's zoom in on the "Honey-do" list:

I loved the card way more than Ryan did, but hey, I got a laugh out of him ;).
Happy Birthday Ryan! You are loved more than you know!


  1. Aww! Happy Birthday to Ryan! We are the same age for 3 days!-Kim

  2. Sorry I missed the celebration. I won't let anyone talk me out of this again. Your Dad is way too practical at times. Glad you enjoyed the cake and yes it was good. Thanks for sending me a piece. I had it for breakfast this am. Love, Mom
    PS Melissa, thanks for doing such a good job on ruling the rooster. We love this gal!!!!
