One of Duke's many favorite pastimes is watching various creatures (birds, dogs, squirrels...and an occasional human) and cars from the living room window. He doesn't get to do this often because it requires jumping on the back of the couch, but when he does get to climb on his lookout point, he has such a sense of purpose. He alerts us to every passerby, including the tiniest birds...nothing gets by him..
Until the other day, when I found him...ahem...sleeping on the job.

Duke? You see something out there? Duke? Yep he was OUT.

Well it's a hard life being a dog around our house...even Aspen has trouble coping from time to time...can't you tell by sense of unrest in this picture?

I know. If they were anymore stressed, they would need a puppy shrink.
hahaha - I love it! Your pups' dent is probably a bit bigger than ours ;)