I slept until 7:30 the next morning. The long night of sleep had me ready for anything on Saturday. I finished cleaning the house by 10:30, had a Walmart trip done by 12:30, and went back to bed for a nap by 2:30.
Yes, a nap.
A two-hour long, glorious, Saturday afternoon nap. Thank you.
Ryan ran a fever all day Saturday, other than when he had Tylenol in his system. So, with him feeling sick, he went right to bed around 9:30 on Saturday, even after sleeping most of the day away.
Me, on the other hand, I was wide awake until about 12:30am. I guess 14 hours of sleep will do that to you.
Today, I went for my first long run since the half marathon. Well, I did run 7 miles last Sunday, but that was on the treadmill and it always seems a little easier on the flat surface (I never voluntarily add hills). I ventured out with my trusty Garmin to tell me when I had finished my 8 miles. I ran through neighborhoods and through town, just enjoying the freedom of not having to follow a specific route to know my distance. I felt great, my hip didn't hurt, and I averaged a 9:39 pace.
I am signed up for another half marathon at the end of February. It's the Cowtown in Fort Worth, TX. Some marathoner-friends of mine are going to do the full marathon and asked if I wanted to join. I would love to try for a full, but I still think it's too soon for my hip, so I will be tagging along for the half.
For now, I just hope Ryan feels better soon so he can get back out there with me again. The only running he did today was running a fever all day again. Hopefully this will be short-lived...and I hope I don't get it!
Have a wonderful week!