Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Snow Day!

They said it was coming. They said we would get 1-4 inches of snow. I felt like there was a chance we could get a little more based on what people in Oklahoma and Kansas were getting.

I woke up this morning to a mere dusting of snow. Blah. Time to get ready for work. Well, by the time Ryan left with the truck at 6:30 and daylight had started to break, I saw that it was snowing pretty hard and that dusting had turned into a half inch or more.

I continued to get ready for work, and soon enough Ryan was calling, telling me I probably shouldn't get my car out in this snow. I felt like a wimp, but I called in to work and told them I wasn't coming...even though there was only about an inch of snow on the ground.

Well, it continued to get worse..and fast. Snow has been falling constantly since this morning and from the window, it looks like we have about 5 inches. If it will ever stop snowing today, I'll take the camera out to get some pictures. I think it is best that I stayed home. I would probably be stranded trying to get home right now if I would have made to work this morning.

I also just heard that Eaton cancelled 2nd and 3rd shifts and will be closing soon, so Ryan will be headed home soon. Looks like a cozy day for the Wood family next to the fire!

The absolute best news though? 50 degree temps by this weekend! Heat wave, baby!

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