Ok, so this week, we whipped up a few sweets. This is one of our favorite sweet snacks (you've probably seen it
here before). It's quick and easy and who can go wrong with chocolate and peanut butter.
For this recipe, you need 3 ingredients: crackers, peanut butter, and chocolate.
Spread a little peanut butter between two crackers and dip in chocolate bark, and here is what you get:

Yummy...we usually use crunchy peanut butter for a little extra texture.

Also this week, was the return of the Pioneer Woman's
pound cake. I made it for Bible study. We have dinner and desert every-other-Thursday, and the person who brought the main dish brought the Pioneer Woman's chicken spaghetti...and no, we didn't plan to have an entire meal from PW, but it sure was tasty!

And you can't have pound cake this time of year without some early-season strawberries.

Those chocolates look fabulous!