Sunday, October 24, 2010

A List

I've been suffering from a case of writer's block lately, and well, let's face life is a little (read: really) boring, so I really have to dig sometimes.

So here's a list of things that have made me very happy/grateful lately.

1. Starting this past week, I will have every Thursday afternoon off work. This means I may actually have time to run some errands on my own, rather than having Ryan do everything. I'm sure he's probably happy about that too.

2. Ryan FINALLY, after 6 weeks of limping around on an ingrown toenail, went and had the ingrown corner of the nail removed. It's still very sore, but at least it can begin healing now.

3. Dinner and pumpkin carving/painting with the girls Friday night.

4. Auburn beat LSU.

Aspen let me trim his alien toenails last night without putting up a fight.

6. A two-mile walk without any hip pain.

7. Fall foliage.

8. Beautiful weather.

9. Photoshop for Dummies. Sometimes I think I need a level even lower than that for dummies.

10. Doing little more than this all weekend. I love a good, lazy weekend.

What has made you happy lately?

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