Last week was Duke and Aspen's first experience with doggy obedience school. They are sweet, loving dogs, but a little crazy in social situations. They love each other (most of the time) and love Ryan, me, and a few select others that come to visit, but they get very nervous around other dogs and people at the park. So, basically they need good socialization, and to learn to listen and do what they are told, and to find out that they are, indeed, dogs, not humans. But other than they're great!
We've been to two classes so far. How did it go?
Duke cried THE-WHOLE-TIME.
And I'm not talking about an occasional whimper. It was more like when you first bring a new puppy know that first night you leave them alone in his kennel without his mom or know that kind of unbearable cry?
Well, it was like that.
He did do everything I told him to do, mind you. He was just crying the whole time, while all the other, much younger dogs were completely calm and collected.
This week, I thought I would be proactive. I took the dogs on a 30 minute walk/jog to run off some energy prior to class. Did it work?
Duke continued to cry. But get this, about halfway through the class, Ryan was having some trouble with Aspen and asked if I wanted to switch and try it with him. I said, "Sure!" My inner dog whisperer wanted to show him that it wasn't the dog, it was the handler. ;) Well, with a little trial and error, I got Aspen to cooperate and class continued. I noticed it was suddenly much quieter since we switched dogs.
Gasp! Duke stopped crying!He-stopped-crying...the instant he got to be with Dad...that little runt.
We aren't speaking anymore.
Oh, who am I kidding...I told him he hurt my feelings and he looked at me with those puppy-dog eyes and floppy ears, and I forgave him.
And we lived happily ever after (as long as Duke gets to be with Ryan at obedience school).

Here was a quick photo op on their first day of school, and yes, that is Aspen's tongue inching very close to my teeth.