Rylie is two months old today. I cannot believe another month has gone by since our sweet little girl came into this world.
She was pretty excited during her photo shoot today.
Are you ready for me, Mom?
Ok, lets get started Rylie!
How was that?
Insert plenty of goofy faces and a high squeaky voice on my end.
Please stop, you're cracking me up!!
After a few shots on her pretty quilt, I wanted to get a few with the Boppy pillow so I could compare exactly how much she has grown in the past month.
Really, Mom. We have to do this all over again. Can't you see I was amazing in the first set?
Alright, if I must. Woo hoo...Yippee...
Wait. This is kinda fun.
How's this, Mom?
Yep, who can resist this smile?
That's a wrap!
Here is the side-by-side with month 1 and 2.
It looks like she has grown 4 inches taller. I think she got her daddy's genes in the height department.
So, besides growing like a weed, what else is going on this month?
She is more alert.
She coos and "talks" when you talk to her.
She is starting to laugh a little here and there.
She loves to smile.
She is still sleeping well at night. Her longest stretch has been almost 8 hours, but she usually sleeps about 6 hours, eats, then goes back to sleep for another 3 hours or so.
She naps off and on through the day. Some days, she takes really long naps (about 3 hours). Other days, she takes short (30 minutes-1 hour) naps.
She is starting to take interest in toys, especially ones that hang above her head. She is starting to reach for them and sometimes grasp them.
She loves listening to music, especially the songs from her "Back to sleep" bear from Great-Grandma Puckett. The songs have more of a classical sound (with stringed instruments and such).
She seems to be right hand-dominant. She reaches and grasps with that hand the most.
She loves going for a "swim" in the jacuzzi bathtub.
She still loves getting her hair washed.
She still loves to snuggle after eating. She still loves to lay on Daddy's chest.
She is a great traveler. She has been on three 7.5 hour car trips and took it like a champ.
She still doesn't like tummy time. She occasionally rolls to her back to escape it...or just buries her face and cries.
Her hair is still getting longer and even a little thicker, but most parents as well as our pediatrician say babies' hair tends to start falling out between 3-4 months, so next month may be another story.
Her eyes are brown but sometimes have a greenish tint...maybe we should call them hazel.
She is getting heavier. I am guessing she's at least 11.5 pounds, if not more. We will find out next week at her check up.
She is wearing size 3 month clothing and size 1 diapers.