Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Susie Homemake-what?

Normally, I take some pride in my domestic skills. I keep my house as clean as possible, minus the organized chaos of an office. I enjoy cooking and baking and don't even mind helping with yardwork. But lately...

So, most of you know that I am frantically preparing for the biggest exam OF MY LIFE, and since I finally scheduled the exam about 2 and a half weeks ago, my role as domestic diva has gone by the wayside. Thankfully, I have a husband that has helped pick up my slack and not only helped with the everyday chores, but also has gotten a ton of home improvement projects done around the house as we are trying to get it ready to put on the market.

Let me take a moment to credit Ryan for all his hard work...

-Two bedrooms painted neutral colors (instead of their original baby blue and canary yellow): check
-Spare bathroom from ugly striped wallpaper to beautiful golden tan: check
-Ugly white/off white/yellowed kitchen cabinets painted a crisp, clean white: check
-Driving me all over town to help me run errands: check
-Fixing the air conditioner in my Corolla (broken since last fall): check
-Scheduling meetings with 3 potential Realtors to help us sell the house: check
-Making sure I have breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday: check
-And more importantly, chocolate when I'm stressed: check
-Being a shoulder to cry on when I'm absolutely positive I'm going to fail my test: check
-Being the incurable optimist that keeps my pessimism at bay (no matter how often it tries to bring us both down): check

These are only a few of the reasons Ryan is my rock during my most challenging moments. So for a few more days Ryan can continue to flex his domestic muscles while I continue to cram as much study time into my schedule as possible.

This may be my last post before the big test on Saturday, so please say some prayers...I will need all the help I can get!



  1. Good Luck!! I know you'll do great. :)

  2. To put in fisherman'.s terms: "He's a keeper"

    You'll do great on your test.
