If you remember, last January I
mentioned a little race that Ryan's dad and I registered to run. Well, it's finally almost here. The race is next Saturday (Jan. 9th)...in Disney World! I'm so excited, but since it is a half-marathon (13.1 miles), I needed to get one more long run in this weekend. Friday, I did a bunch around the house, Saturday I went to Harrison with my mom and sis for some shopping...I thought, "Well, I've still got Sunday...I'll have plenty of time to go out and run 6 or 7 miles...no problem." Well, there was a bit of a problem...about 3 inches of snow...and counting. I wanted to get out and take some pictures of the snow anyway, so I toted my new video camera along with me to share some of my snowy run.
Here, I just climbed my first hill...there were tire tracks to run in, but the packed snow was even more slippery than the fluffy stuff!
Here is were I made it back to where I was in the last video...my foot prints were already starting to fade because the snow just kept fallin'.
Finally back home...snotty nosed, and ready for a hot shower!
I ran for an hour and 19 minutes...with my 10 minutes/mile pace that translates to almost 8 miles...probably just a little less since I stopped to take a few pictures :).
I'm going to post some still pictures soon...the snow is just so pretty!
Wish I was there to view the beatiful sight. What a blessing from God to be able to enjoy a sign of his creation. Looking forward to seeing you all. I hope Bobby will make it ok.Love, Rose Marie