Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Daily Mile

A blogging friend of mine (Hi Erika!) introduced me to the Daily Mile. It's a great place to keep track of your workouts whether you walk, run, swim, bike, or whatever you do for fitness. You may have noticed my counter to the right...If not, you can take a glance now....

You'll see my most recent workout and my total miles. The site also allows you to network with others, find routes, races, etc. I love it! Plus, it tells me how many donuts I've earned ;)...You'll see that counter to the right as well. 10 so far this week! That means I better make some donuts in the morning!

Who's coming over for breakfast?!? seriously...Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Kim..anyone?? Come on over there will be plenty!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link love. ;-) I got the site from a blogger friend too! The internet is great! Glad to see you on the site. I keep checking it - though I have nothing to log at the moment....

    Mmm Doughnuts.
