Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I Have a Confession



dog cologne.

Dog what?


How did it come to this? It's hard to say, except that when we headed to our groomer's/pet store on Saturday, we were on a mission. It was time for the dog's post-farm bath (they stayed there when we took a short trip to Branson last week). We have dog shampoo. But whenever Duke goes to the groomer he smells so clean and fresh for weeks. I wanted my groomer's shampoo.

So we walked in the store and guess who was standing right there! The groomer! So we asked, "What kind of shampoo do you use on Duke?"

She said, "Bio-Groom." And kindly proceeded to take us to the shampoo isle and hand us the exact bottle. Great right!?!

It didn't stop there.

Then she picked up another bottle and said, "But if you really want him to smell good and for it to last a long time use this..."

That's why I'm here right?

I look at the bottle and she says, "Doggy cologne."

"Dog cologne?"

"Yes..." As she continues telling us how to use it, I'm thinking, they make dog cologne. What kind of crazy person would buy...who am I kidding...I want it.

I bought it.

And we (along with two very fresh smelling dogs) lived happily ever after.

The End.

1 comment:

  1. Haha! Melissa - we took Lady to the groomer this weekend and she had cucumber melon ;)
