Sunday, August 29, 2010

Marathon Training: On Hold

You may have noticed that I didn't even post a plan for last week. That's because the week prior I still wasn't able to run, and I didn't see that changing anytime soon...and I was right.

This past week was my 3rd week without any training. I was getting pretty worried because any injury I've had in the past has healed with just one week of doing nothing, let alone 3 weeks. So, my doctor thought it would be a good idea to get an MRI...which I did on Friday. It showed a stress fracture of my right hip. I had a feeling that's what it would be because of the area that was hurting and the long amount of time it was taking to heal, but I was hoping it wouldn't be that serious. Now, all training is on hold for a while.

So what now?

Good question.

I have an appointment with an orthopedic doctor on Tuesday to find out my exact treatment. Typically, stress fractures involving the femoral neck (which mine does) require several weeks of completely non-weight bearing activity, which means crutches..and a lot of sitting around...

But all that will depend on how bad (or not so bad) the ortho says it is when he looks at the MRI himself.

So, for now I'm just waiting. I'll keep you posted on what I find out Tuesday. But for now, marathon training is on hold which makes me sad in so many ways, but mostly just sad because I miss running. I miss the sense of accomplishment after a good run. I miss the peaceful solitude of a solo run and the energy and camaraderie in a group run. I miss rhythm of feet on the pavement....the complete exhaustion after a looong run...the energy it gives you for the rest of the day...the stopping to watch the sunrise or sunset...and I could go on.

I'm definitely missing it all, but I realize my body needs rest for now, so that is what I'll give much rest it needs is still to be determined.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are listening to your pain and your doctors. We will be waitng to see what the doctor says. Love you, Rose Marie
